
Authorized Economic Operator status


We have some happy and useful news to share with you!

Our company has received the status of Authorized Economic Operator!

In Russia, among the 44,000 participants in foreign trade, there are only 158 active Authorized Economic Operators. Obtaining AEO status implies a high degree of trust from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.

It is quite difficult to get this certificate as you have to meet a lot of criteria:

  • guarantee of payment of customs duties in the amount of EUR 1 million;
  • own or use premises designed for the temporary storage of foreign goods;
  • engage in foreign trade activities for at least 1 year;
  • not be in arrears in payment of customs duties and taxes;
  • and much more.

We meet all the necessary criteria and are legally entitled to simplified customs procedures.

Why it is profitable to use our services:

  1. You save money.

– You do not spend money on temporary storage at customs.

– The AEO, as the importer, takes care of all currency control issues.

– Registration of goods below customs value risks, at the real value.

– No customs value adjustment. There is no need to make a security deposit.

  1. You save time.
  • Customs clearance time is greatly reduced.
  • Goods are released before the submission of the customs declaration (Article 197 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union).
  • Customs control in the form of inspections, examinations, and mobile inspection complexes is reduced to a minimum.

For more information, please contact our managers:

 +7 (812) 448 3006, or send a request by email: