
Delivery by different types of transport!

🌍Our company provides delivery by different types of transport. Customers choose the most suitable option in terms of cost, transit time and customs clearance features. Let’s check one of the most popular requests: delivery of goods in a container from Shanghai to Moscow. We have the following options:
📍 c Vladivostok + rail transportation to Moscow. Transit time is 40-45 days.
➖ A large number of shipping lines.
➖ When calculating customs payments, only freight to Vladivostok is included (without railway delivery through the Russian Federation).
➖ A short delivery route to the border of the Russian Federation allows you to minimize the risks associated with currency exchange rate volatility when paying customs duties.
➖ During peak seasons, there is a long wait for departure by train.
📍 Direct rail delivery from China to Moscow. The transit time is 30 days.
➖ Stable schedule.
➖ Good transit time.
➖ The cost is more expensive compared to delivery via Vladivostok.
➖ Possible delays while border crossings.
📍 Sea freight to St. Petersburg + truck delivery to Moscow. Transit time is 50-55 days.
➖ The cheapest delivery option out of the three offered.
➖ Long transit time.
➖ When calculating customs payments, the full freight to St. Petersburg is included.

To calculate the cost of transportation, please contact:
☎️ +7 (812) 448-30-06